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Pokémon Card Readings

Pokémon Card Readings (also called Pokémoncy or Pokemoncy) is a novel divination modality created by The Spiritual Gym Leaders.  Pokémon Card Readings are psychic readings with Pokémon Cards!  These readings can help you gain clarity on a multitude of topics, help guide you to your desired outcome, or answer any questions you may have! Book a reading today to discover what messages from the Pokéverse are for you!

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Pokémon Card Readings (with a TSGL deck)

These readings use pre-made decks by The Spiritual Gym Leaders to deliver messages. The cards are shuffled and whatever cards fly out - those are the ones that hold your messages!  These readings are timed and can be booked in 30-minute increments.  You can book a live or recorded reading! Both include a video you can (re)watch any time!


If you have seen a specific deck featured in TSGL's IG, YouTube, or TikTok videos, you can request a certain deck in the notes of your order!

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Pokémoncy Pack Opening

These readings are done with closed Pokémon Card packs that are opened on camera and one of The Spiritual Gym Leaders will deliver the message within! After the reading, the cards are mailed to you so you can add them to your collection and remember your message in such a special way! 3-card and 10-card packs are available.  

You can also open YOUR pack(s) and have TSGL read them as you show your pulls!  This can be private or live-streamed on your social media!

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Letter From The Pokéverse

This is a typed reading (and the Pokémon Cards associated with the reading) delivered to your mailbox! Readings are typically 1 full-page of messages,  written in 12-font, and contain 3 Pokémon Cards.  These readings are messages you need to hear! 


Explore Other Services

The Spiritual Gym Leaders offer many Pokémon-related services, including  Pokémon Astrology readings, PokéPrayer Candles, energetically activated handmade Pokémon jewelry, and more! 

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